Private & NHS Dentists – Dental Practice Post House, Surrey

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm | Open Alternate Saturdays: 8am – 4pm

Missing one or more teeth can have a significant impact on both your dental health and your self-esteem. You might be aware that there are numerous teeth replacement options available, but find them overwhelming or you are not sure which is the best choice for yourself.  

Three popular tooth replacement options you may wish to consider are implant-supported overdentures, dental implants and the fixed bridge. But what exactly are they, and which one is the right choice for you?

Implant-Supported Over-dentures:

This is a removable dental prosthesis (denture) that is attached to a certain number of implants.. They normally have two to four implants which act as support anchors for the denture and there is sometimes a metal bar fitted joining the implants together for additional support… If you opt for overdentures, your dentist will take an X-Ray to examine whether you have enough bone for the implants., If you have enough bone then the implants will then be placed into your jawbone. After this has healed, an over-denture will be fitted. 

Why get over-dentures?

Over-dentures are a practical option that allows you to eat with ease and are easily removable for cleaning. They are a good choice for patients missing most, or all, of their teeth and are effective in retaining your facial structure. 


A dental implant is a titanium screw that is used to support one or more false teeth. Like over-dentures, implants are placed into the jawbone during a minor surgical procedure and are therefore reliant on the condition of the bone in your jaw. 

Why get implants? 

Implants are strong and resilient and currently the most practical option available for tooth replacement. They are versatile and can be restored with crowns, bridges and dentures. As the condition of your natural teeth, the maintenance of your implants is dependent upon good oral hygiene and maintenance. If you look after your implants, you may never need to get them replaced.

Fixed Bridges

This system replaces your missing teeth with a fixed appliance that is supported by four to six dental implants. This ensures greater stability in the bone and is a good option for patients that prefer to have artificial teeth that feel closer to natural teeth.  

Why get a Fixed Bridge?

Temporary teeth can normally be fitted on the same day as the placement of the implants.. Having a fixed bridge provides the highest degree of durability and chewing function…

No matter what kind of tooth loss you have, there undoubtedly is a solution. There are practical options that can meet your needs and bring back the confidence you once had in your smile. If you require further advice or guidance make an appointment with your dentist today.