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Gingival Grafting

Gingival Grafting

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If you notice that some of your teeth have started to look longer than they used to look or if your teeth often suffer sensitivity to hot and cold, your gums could be receding; the sensitivity stems from the root of the tooth being exposed. Your gums won’t recede overnight but eventually, they can do so in a noticeable way. If this is the case, you may benefit from gum grafting treatment. Gingival grafting can prevent any further loss of gum tissue and it can help with any sensitivity that you may have.

What Causes Gums to Recede?

Gum recession can be caused by a number of different things, but gum disease is the main culprit. Diabetes, illness, hormone changes and poor oral hygiene are considered to be risk factors. Your genes may also play a part, with some people being genetically more likely to have gum recession than others. There is evidence to suggest that smokers are much more likely to develop it. Aggressive teeth brushing and an incorrect brushing technique can cause gums to recede, as well as teeth grinding or clenching. Luckily, there are treatments available.

How Is Gum Recession Treated?

There are a number of different treatments for gum recession and the treatment that’s best for you will depend on what is causing the gum to recede. If your gum recession is caused by tartar or gum disease, it’s best to start with having your teeth professionally cleaned. This involves cleaning, scaling and root planing. A professional clean will remove any bacterial plaque and tartar that’s built upon the teeth and roots over time, which will help the gum to heal and prevents any further gum recession. If the gum recession is more extensive, your dentist may recommend gingival grafting. Periodontal plastic surgery, also known as gum grafting, repairs the damaged area. Not only does this stop any further gum recession from occurring, but it also improves your gingival biotype.

The Benefits of Gum Grafting

Gum grafting has a lot of great benefits, which is why it’s the chosen treatment for many of our dental patients. Not only does it stop any further gum recession from occurring, but a gum graft can also:

  • Prevent bone loss.
  • Reduce tooth sensitivity to hot and cold foods.
  • Protect tooth roots from root decay.
  • Improve the appearance of teeth by creating an even gum line.
  • Improve your gingival biotype

If you are already noticing that your gums are receding and you’re experiencing some of the symptoms, it’s best to seek dental help as soon as possible. By doing so, treatment can be given. At Post House Dental, we offer a professional and experienced gingival grafting. Whether you’re looking to reverse the signs of gum recession or you’re wanting to improve the appearance of your gum line, we’re on hand to help. Our dental team are skilled experts, which means that they’re able to provide unmatched gum grafting procedures to all of our patients. To find out more about gingival grafting and gum grafts, get in touch with Post House Dental today.

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