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Cavities are tiny holes within the enamel that can cause tooth decay if not addressed. Dental Fillings treatment eliminates your tooth’s decayed or damaged portion. Filling material is moulded in your dental cavity to safeguard it from infections. 

The majority of fillings are made of metal or porcelain-based, resin, or a mixture of both. Although this is a straightforward dentist procedure, it also leaves some patients with throbbing pain or sensitivity. This blog discusses the reason behind throbbing tooth pain after a Dental Filling and how to cure it.

Dental Filling Procedure

After applying local anaesthetic to the tooth, your dentist will remove the decay. They perform this by using a small drill that gently chips into the tooth decay. It takes only about a minute, and you’ll not experience any discomfort.

After the decay has been eliminated- A Filling made of ceramic, resin, or a combination based on your dentist’s recommendations is placed and attached to your teeth. 

You may notice an odd sensation within your mouth after the numbness fades, including tender gums, Teeth pain, teeth sensitivity. Hence, it is suggested that you do not take food or drink for a few hours.

Reason for Throbbing tooth pain after a dental filling

There can be several reasons for tooth pain after a filling. A few common reasons are:

Irritated nerves

After applying a large filling feeling a sense of irritation in the nerves is common. Inflamed nerves can cause swelling and pain. Deep fillings may even penetrate the nerves and cause painful, intense sensations. This issue can heal with proper medication.

Misalignment of the teeth

A properly aligned filling is crucial for a patient. If the Filling is too high, it may cause more pressure when the patient bites down. This pressure can result in pain and discomfort. It’s common to feel some sensitivity after eating following the procedure, but if the Filling isn’t able to correct itself, you’ll need to see your dentist once more so that they can smooth it back down.


Pulpitis happens when the pulp inside the tooth is inflamed, which, in turn, results in pain and discomfort. Although it’s not common for it to develop in minor fillings, it could happen in the following situations:

  • Your tooth is the victim of an injury, which resulted in a fractured or cracked tooth.
  • A deep cavity that had impacted the pulp’s interior.
  • Numerous failed dental fillings

How to Treat Tooth pain after a filling?

The procedure of filling a cavity is generally quick and painless. However, if you experience some discomfort following treatment, here are some of the most important tips for relieving pain and sensitivity:

  • Take pain medications as directed or recommended by your dentist.
  • Brush gently and floss regularly using an electronic brush.
  • Make sure to use fluoride toothpaste that prevents sensitivity.
  • Eat and chew on the other side of the mouth.
  • Avoid cold and hot food and beverages.
  • Avoid eating acidic, sugary foods and drinks.

Final Thoughts!

If you’re experiencing tooth sensitivity following a dental filling, schedule a visit to your dentist. We at Post House Dental have years of experience in the dental sector, and we’ll be able to evaluate and suggest solutions for the sensitive tooth, which could mean refitting the Filling or putting in an entirely new one.