Private & NHS Dentists – Dental Practice Post House, Surrey

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday: 8am – 5pm | Open Alternate Saturdays: 8am – 4pm

This is not uncommon. If you get a sharp sudden pain in your teeth when eating there could be a few different reasons. It is important that you see your dentist as soon as possible once you start to experience toothache of any kind. Here are some of the reasons you may be suffering with tooth pain while you eat:


In most cases toothache is caused by a developing or existing cavity. The longer the cavity is left untreated the worse the toothache is likely to become. A cavity is a hole that develops in the tooth because of decay or erosion. If the cavity is left untreated the tooth will decay further causing more pain.

As the size of a cavity increases the risk of infection and inflammation of the root also increases. Should the cavity decay to the point where the nerve in the root of the tooth is exposed, the individual is likely to experience excruciating pain and root canal treatment may be necessary. With toothache, the premise that prevention is better than cure really does hold true. When you first begin to experience toothache, addressing the problem immediately may involve a short visit to the dentist and a straightforward filling.

Failure to attend to the filling will mean that as the cavity erodes further, the tooth will become weaker meaning that the surrounding healthy enamel may erode, or crack and the tooth could actually break.

Eroding enamel

When the enamel erodes, it won’t necessarily mean that a cavity has developed but it does mean that the enamel covering that protects the tooth becomes thinner. This type of symptom is a classic example of pain that occurs when eating hot or cold food. The heat or the cold is felt through the sensitive teeth because the protective enamel layers are thinner than usual.

 Impacted food

Every now and then food particles become impacted and lodged between two teeth. Because there is usually a space between the teeth this creates pressure that you would be unaccustomed to. If toothache persists after the meal this is possibly the problem. This is one of the easier problems to resolve and there are several things that can be done about it.

Solutions for tooth pain

The very first solution to any pain in the teeth is prevention. Ask your dentist about a good quality toothpaste and brush frequently, at least twice a day. Using a quality mouthwash will help too. If food is frequently lodged between your teeth you may want to try interdental brushes. These come in varying sizes so regardless of the gap between your teeth, there will be one that fits. Flossing before bedtime also makes a big difference.

Remember to have a check-up at least once every six months. If you have old fillings it is possible that they will come loose and need to be replaced. In fact, old fillings coming loose also contribute to unnecessary tooth pain. regular check-ups and a quick response to pain will both prevent and resolve that tooth pain you feel when eating.