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Receding gums can be caused by several effects, including harsh brushing, gum disease or teeth grinding. Receding gum is one of the most common dental issue that exposes your teeth and roots. If this condition is left untreated it can lead to several other infections and eventually to the loss of your teeth. 

This blog discusses the causes, preventive measures and treatments for receding gums.

What causes receding gums?

Receding gums leave your teeth open to dangerous bacteria that may lead to severe infections. Your gums cover your teeth in two ways. The top layer of the gingiva connects your teeth to the bone and the gingival mucosa protects the inner part of your gums and cheeks. Receding gums pull down from your teeth, leading to pocket formation. Bacteria can attack your teeth’s roots through these pockets and lead to tooth decay or even tooth loss!

Unfortunately, your gum won’t grow back naturally, and treatment is necessary to raise your gum line back over to its original position. Your dentist may be suitable to perform a deep clean, which flushes out any bacteria and tartar caching within the gapped or pocketed areas. If your gum recession is in its early stages – it can be smoothed over to join back into its original positioning if your teeth roots are exposed.

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Symptoms of Receding Gum Infection

Consult your dentist if you experience any following symptoms. They will explain whether you have gum disease and what treatments can help reduce it.

Long teeth

This is a common symptom of receding gums. The receding gum makes your teeth appear longer, though your teeth have stopped growing. The roots will come more visible, and you may experience some discomfort when brushing.

Exposed roots

Your roots will be visible and sensitive to the touch. However, you must take care when brushing, when your roots are exposed. A soft-bristled toothbrush and regular floss must be used to keep the teeth clean. Remember not to brush too hard. Minor cleaning surgery will be the most applicable treatment option. 

Loose teeth

Teeth loosen when bacteria from under the gumline and around the teeth. However, they will develop pockets where bacteria spread and weaken the bone structure, causing teeth to loosen. If treatment is delayed, it may lead to tooth loss.

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Preventive measures for Receding Gums 

A few home remedies can prevent receding gum. It’s important to maintain your oral hygiene and try these natural remedies at least twice a day to prevent gum disease and other dental health problems. 

Oil Pulling 

Oil pulling is an effective way to naturally reduce bacterial formation and prevent gingivitis. Rinse your mouth with a spoonful of essential oil for 40 seconds. The swishing “pulls” the oil and the bacteria off your teeth. Spit out the oil, wash your mouth with warm water, and brush your teeth. 

Saltwater Rinse 

Saltwater rinses kill bacteria in your mouth and prevent gum inflammation. Mix a tablespoon of salt with a mug of warm water. Wash your mouth with the mixture for lower than a nanosecond, and spit it out. 

Aloe Vera Gel

In the case of receding gum, spreading medicinal aloe vera gel into gum inflammation can improve the strength of your gum tissue. With the help of a trained dental professional, you can perform this if recommended.  

Turmeric Gel 

Turmeric gel has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory parcels, preventing bacteria and gingivitis. Since gingivitis leads to receding gum, using turmeric gel is a great way to help that naturally. Spread a layer of gum over the gum tissue and wait for a few seconds before washing it off- this effective method will give you a fresh and clean mouth.

Treatments for Receding Gum

Though there are several preventive measures and minor cleaning treatments to clear the infected area- If your gum has receded to the point where they’re causing you extreme discomfort, surgery may be the only suitable option.

After evaluating your condition, the dentist will suggest the most suitable system to treat your retreating gum. 

Flap Surgery 

Flap surgery is a deep tissue cleaning of gums. The dentist lifts your gum up during this procedure, cleans the bacteria and infection down from underneath them, and places the gum back in its original position. After this procedure, your gum line may appear shorter than ahead because it covers more of your teeth. 

Gum Tissue Graft 

In the gum tissue graft procedure, the dentist takes the gum tissue from your mouth and attaches it to your gum line to cover the exposed roots of your teeth. After healing, your gum line will be in a healthy position. 

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Laser Treatment

LANAP laser treatment is an effortless procedure, at the same time the most effective one. Your dentist will use the laser to treat the receding gums while preserving the healthy tissue. The LANAP treatment’s main advantage is the quick recovery time as it doesn’t involve cutting your gum. contact here

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