A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that fits over a tooth to protect it or improve its appearance. It may be recommended if a tooth is broken, chipped or misshapen. It is designed to naturally blend in with the appearance of your other teeth.
A crown needs to be attached to a tooth. Therefore, if your tooth is not large enough, the process can become very difficult. This is when crown lengthening is introduced. Dental surgeons can move the gum tissue and expose more of the tooth, allowing the crown to be attached.
If you’ve been told you need crown lengthening, you might not be sure how to prepare. Fortunately, there’s very little that you need to do. Your dentist may give you a temporary crown until your procedure to protect your tooth and make the fitting easier. You may, therefore, need to be careful with what you eat and drink so this isn’t displaced.
You will also have several meetings with your periodontist for X-Rays and to inform them of any medication you are currently taking. It’s important to be open and honest during these discussions, in case you need to stop taking them before the procedure.
Crown lengthening is generally quite straight forward. However, like all surgical procedures, there is always a small chance of something going wrong. Your dental surgeon will inform you of all the potential risks beforehand. You will also sign a document stating that you understand what you have been told. Afterwards, your teeth might feel more sensitive to particularly hot or cold foods. And if the bone was removed, your tooth might even feel looser.
The procedure
The procedure itself will vary in length depending on how many crowns are being lengthened, and if the soft tissue and bone need to be removed. This depends entirely on the individual state of your teeth. Many people receive local anaesthesia and sometimes also a sedative. You will be able to go home after the procedure, but someone will need to drive you in this case. You will also feel some pain and discomfort after the procedure after the anaesthesia wears off.
Straight after the procedure, you’ll need to make sure you relax and avoid any strenuous activity. Do not operate any machinery or do any heavy lifting, as this can cause bleeding and impact your recovery.
For the first few days, you’ll feel a sore or sharp pain where the crown has been lengthened. You may wish to take over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen to minimise any pain or discomfort. If you choose to do so, make sure you always read the label and take the recommended dose.
Additionally, you may wish to place an ice pack on the area to minimise any swelling. Make sure this is clean and keep it on for around twenty minutes for the best results. The complete recovery time for crown lengthening is approximately three months, but you should feel less pain after the initial few days following the procedure.
If you’re interested in fixing your broken or chipped teeth, then book an appointment with your dentist today. And they’ll explain whether you need crown lengthening or not.
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